Categories : Corporate - English


StemCARE Platform – I-Stem

Cette vidéo présente les différents équipements utilisés dans le laboratoire de recherche I-Stem, à Évry. Produit, réalisé, écrit et monté.   This video was used to present all of the different scientific equipment used in the I-Stem lab, in the suburbs of Paris. Produced, shot, written and edited.


Wavelength Studio Second editor for Bristol-based production company Wavelength Studio, that specialises in scientific storytelling for science and deep tech. Work for the University of Bristol (School of Education, Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Centre for Sociodigital Futures), LettUs Grow, Agilebase, Unfold Design, Aspect...


Data For Policy

Presentation video of the Data For Policy organisation in London, in English with an English voiceover, produced, written, directed, and edited. Data for Policy is a premier global forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the impact and potentials of the digital revolution in the government sector.


Virtual Tour – I-Stem

Presentation video of the laboratory I-Stem in Paris, translated into English with an English voiceover, produced, written, directed, edited, and subtitled. I-Stem is a research institute specialised in the use of pluripotent stem cells as therapeutics to treat rare genetic diseases.   Vidéo de présentation virtuelle du laboratoire I-Stem en français sous-titrée en français,  produite,…


Deux Minutes Pour Rencontrer L’Équipe : Syndrome de Wolfram – I-Stem

Video présentant l'équipe de Laëtitia Aubry travaillant à I-Stem sur le Syndrome de Wolfram en français, sous-titrée Anglais, produite, écrite, filmée, réalisée, montée, et sous-titrée. Retrouvez la vidéo et plus d'informations ici: Faites un don à l'Association du Syndrome de Wolfram ici:


Two Minutes To Meet The Team: Retinopathies – I-Stem

This video presenting the team of Christelle Monville who works on retinopathies at I-Stem is in English, with English subtitles, and was produced, written, filmed, directed, edited, and subtitled. Below is the same video, with French subtitles:


2021 Greetings – LineData

  2021 greetings e-card made by VeryHappyMedia for LineData which I helped produce and recorded the voice over for.